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Author: Karen Donaldson, Celebrity Communications and Body Language Expert, Certified Confidence Coach 3X Best Selling Author, TV Personality, International Speaker.

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In How To Live A Life With No Excuses

Karen explores the truth about excuses; where excuses originate from, why we make them, what we lose by making them and how to remove them from your life.

She shares her personal story of how she stopped living in her excuses and made the intentional choice to choose to have everything in her life.

The aim of How To Live Your Life With No Excuses is to give you the tangible tools and know-how, so you can create a no-excuses mentality, and get results in all areas of your life. No more procrastination, no more feeling overwhelmed, no more plateau, and no more time management issues.

Simply stated; When you lose your excuses you'll find your results.

Meet the Author: Karen Donaldson

My name is Karen Donaldson and my clients and I speak and get paid anywhere from $2000 – $35,000 per speaking engagement, delivering in-person and virtual keynotes, workshops, and seminars even during the pandemic.  I’m the communication, body language, and confidence coach to celebrities, politicians, C-suite executives, and entrepreneurs. I’m also the body language expert for Cosmopolitan and Women’s Health magazine as well as a regular communication expert on local and international news.